The Giralda bell tower is part of the Seville Cath...
The Giralda minaret was once over 70 meters tall, ...
Looking at a corner turret on the Seville Cathedra...
A view of the “Patio de los Naranjos” or “Courtyar...
A view of the “Door of the Prince” of the Seville ...
Detail from the “Door of the Prince,” at the Sevil...
Looking through a horse-shoe arch at the Seville C...
This is the Puerta del Perdón at the Seville Cathe...
A richly decorated ceiling above the nave of the 1...
Rich carved moldings on the ceiling above the nave...
A close-up image of the right part of the horse-sh...
The Puerta del Baptisterio, or entrance gate of Ba...
A close-up shot of the central arch and door of th...
A view of the east façade of the mosque of Cordoba...
The Great Mosque of Cordoba is considered to be th...