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Stone Masonry Arches Brick Stucco Fourteenth Century Mosque Palace Muslim Fifteenth Century Columns Moorish Reconstructed Stone Carving Carving Pointed Arches Tiles Relief Patterns Seljuk Temple Mount Archway Courtyard Relief Sculpture Mosaic Trees Inscription Stucco Carving Sassanian Fourth Century AD Roman Thirteenth Century Horseshoe Arches Arcade Classical Period Quranic Inscription Street Marble Umayyad Dome Fountain Eighth Century AD Twelfth Century Dome of the Rock Minaret Window Ashlar Fourth Century BC Colonnade Portico Sixteenth Century Buildings Mountains Ilkhanid Muzaffarid Arabesque Arabic Inscription Door Mamluk Seventh Century AD People Sculpture Archaic Period Muqarnas Statue Tower Iwan Gate Faience Mosaic Full View Glazed Brick Fifth Century BC Almohad Mausoleum Pool Engaged Columns Bridge House Vaulting Tomb Corinthian Capitals Cathedral Walls Timurid Mudejar Piers Nature Human Figure Votive Offering Sixth Century BC River Christian Facade Temple Mihrab Garden Girih Old City of Jerusalem Pavilion Twentieth Century Balcony Madrasa Steps Lattice Windows Column Capital Safavid Tenth Century Kufic Script City Afar Shrine Retaining Wall Double-tiered Arches Gates of the Temple Mount Turkman Eleventh Century Dome Chamber Geometric Treasury Gothic Frieze Stadium of Herodus Atticus Semi-dome Stadium Tholos Banna'i Seventeenth Century Signage Herodus Atticus Polygonal Metope Portal Ottoman Horses Hellenistic Period Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi High Relief Ruins Marketplace Isodomic Apollo Rusticated Soffit Second Century BC Ghawanima Minaret Text Byzantine Period Reconstruction Dome of the Prophet Qait Bay Staircase Military Base Nineteenth Century Renaissance Al-Aqsa Mosque Statue Bases Rural Settlement Bifora Western Arcade of Temple Mount Sungur Bey Mosque Monument of Krateros Walls of Jerusalem Frankish Temple of Apollo at Delphi Skyline Theater Palmette Theater of Delphi Nave Madrasa Is’ardiyya Tomb of Turkan Khatun Pilaster Greek Inscription Bronze Sebka Cast Bronze Synagogue Capital Naskhi Script Roman Period Stoa Athenian Treasury Stairs Animal Figure Wood Massalian Second Century AD Façade Theseus Bell Tower Wood Carving Zellij Bead and Reel Athena Gymnasium Unidentified Triglyph Thuluth Script Gods Artemis Ablaq Human Figures Siphnian Treasury Dome of Solomon Dome of the Prophet's Lovers Oculus Bulbous Dome Jerusalem Charioteer Golden Gate Third Century BC Qubba al-Nahw Minbar al-Sayf Minbar Eastern Arcade of Temple Mount Northwest Arcade of Temple Mount Northern Arcade of Temple Mount Southeast Arcade of Temple Mount Mt. Olivet Family Dedication Star Lion First Century BC Rocks Phaedriades Kızılırmak River Red River Poly-lobed Arches Ceiling Latin Inscription Kouros Colmuns Church of Mary Magdalene Mount of Olives Little Western Wall Drain Itea Tunnel Six Pointed Star Orange Trees Antinoös Exedra Ayyubid Antinous Pleistos River Valley River Valley Valley Church Fifth Century AD Cornices Caravanserai Han Sanctuary of Athena at Delphi Early Hellenistic Period Dome of the Ascension Athenian Stoa Buyid Tripod Floral Girl Chain Gate Fountain Chian Prayer Hall Mosque of Omar Transverse Vaults Altar Northeast Arcade of Temple Mount Seats Pediment Dome of the Spirits Hercules King Faisal's Gate Şemsettin Güveyni Buttress Sphendone First Century AD Archaic Sculpture Reservoir Alcmaeonid Alcmaeonid Temple of Apollo Rock Spring Kore Proedria Rough Picked Natural Monument Pseudo-Isodomic Sphinx Greek Sphinx Naxos Triumphal Arches Ares Kerna II Zeus Giants Themis Chariot Argos Herodotus Polymedes of Argos Argive Statue Group Sima Amazomachy Covered Drain Drains Reservior Stoa of Attalus Cross Agora Sebil of Suleiman Dome of Moses Sebil Qait Bay Sebil Qasim Pasha Cotton Merchant's Gate Madrasa Al-Tankiziyya Madrasa al-Ashrafiyya Market Sitt Tunshuq Aqabat al-Takiyya Street Al-Wad Fountain Al-Wad Street Tent Dome Semi-Dome Dam Fishing Theater of Dionysus Acropolis Athenian Acropolis Stone Sculpture Marble Sculpture Corinthian Columns Western Arches Gate of the Chain Minaret Well Chain Gate Minaret Gate of the Chain Dome of Al-Khidr Waqf Hexagonal Southwest Arcade of Temple Mount Sebil Ala ad Din el Basir Ala ad Din el Basir Dome of the Chain Bab al-Qattanin Ecce Homo Basilica Ecce Homo Arch Basilica Muslim Quarter Madrasa al-Manjakiyya Madrasa al-Basitiyya Gate of the Bani Ghanim Bells Ektachrome Sand Dog Cars Hotel Hebrew Inscription Settlement Tessellations Rosette Angel Sunrise Mt. Kirfis Port Harbor Hestiatorion Olive Trees Repurposed Birdbath Old Temple of Athena at Delphi Old Temple of Athena Red Slides Pyramidal Tower Conical Roof Domestic Animals Basalt Countryside Children Ankara Citadel Ninth Century Sheep Waterbody Lake Hasan Dağı Mount Hasan Agriculture Alaettin Mosque Mosaic Arches Desert Foliate Capital Floral Capital