Imam Zedeh Jafar


This freestanding tomb tower was built for an Alid shaykh and descendant of the fifth imam who died in 1325. The tilework seen here is part of the “excessive” restoration the building underwent in 1950 , but the charm of the building lies in its graceful proportions of the blind arcading on the exterior, showing the “elegance and grace of Ilkhanid architecture at its prime.” - SK

Image Notes

Photograph created 1963. Photograph processed September 1963. Formerly cataloged as B10.052. Notes written on the slide or index: Isfahan Imam Zedeh Jafar - Mongol Period.

Identifier J.052
Collection J: Isfahan
Location Isfahan, Iran
Year 1963
Batch Stamp SEP 63
Written Date 1963
Printed Date September, 1963
Slide Notes Isfahan Imam Zedeh Jafar - Mongol Period
Index Notes Imam Zedeh Jafar
General Location Imamzedeh Jafar
Camera Location Imamzedeh Jafar from Courtyard
Precision Estimated
Angle 310 degrees NW