Bridge of 33 Arches


A view through the pier arches.


The Bridge of 33 arches, or the ‘si-o-seh pol’ in Persian, is so called because of the 33 pier arches that run continuously along its length. The bridge was commissioned in 1602 by Shah Abbas I and was originally known as the Allah Verdi Khan Bridge, after the name of the general who was responsible for its construction. -SK

Image Notes

Photograph created 1967. Photograph processed September 1967. Formerly cataloged as B10.068. Notes written on the slide or index: Bridge of 33 Arches.

Curator Notes

Due to the symmetry of the bridge, we cannot know for sure which side this was taken onThis side is the closest to J.67, and so is the most likely.

Identifier J.068
Collection J: Isfahan
Location Isfahan, Iran
Year 1967
Batch Stamp SEP 67F6
Written Date 1967
Printed Date September, 1967
Index Notes Bridge of 33 Arches
General Location Bridge of 33 Arches
Camera Location Arched Hallway of Bridge of 33 Arches
Precision Possible
Angle 185 degrees S