Dome of the Rock


A view of the Dome of the Rock, the earliest surviving Islamic monument, dating from the late 7th century AD.


Another close up of the Dome of the Rock. The dome in its current form dates to 1999. However, the earliest written sources do point out to its golden appearance. In 1000 CE, this was replaced with black lead, and stayed for almost a thousand years before it was gilded in 1960-62. The current version imitates the 60s renovation. In fact, most of what one sees in the building, both inside and outside, was put there in the second half of the twentieth century [Oleg Grabar, The Dome of the Rock].

Image Notes

Photograph created 1967. Photograph processed April 1967. Formerly cataloged as B01.007. Notes written on the slide or index: Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem.

Identifier A.007
Collection A: Jerusalem
Location Jerusalem, Israel/Palestine
Year 1967
Batch Stamp APR 67
Written Date 1967
Printed Date April, 1967
Slide Notes Dome of the Rock, Jesusalem, Denis Baly, Gambier OH, "1"
General Location Dome of the Rock/Qubbat as-Sakhrah
Camera Location Dome of the Rock from S
Precision Likely
Angle 340 degrees N