Phaedriades: Hyampeia


A view of the eastern cliff of the Phaedriades, historically called Hyampeia and today called Phleboukos. This cliff was used by the ancient Delphians to cast down those condemned with sacrilege.


A view of the eastern cliff of the Phaedriades, historically called Hyampeia and today called Phleboukos. This cliff was used by the ancient Delphians to cast down those condemned with sacrilege. By analyzing the angle of the photo, it must have been taken near the Castilian Spring, in the ravine dividing the twin peaks of the Phaedriades.

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Photograph processed July 1978. Notes written on the slide or index: The Phaedriades - Delphi.

Identifier DH.020
Collection DH: Delphi
Location Delfoi, Greece
Year 1978
Batch Stamp JUL 78
Printed Date July, 1978
Slide Notes The Phaedriades - Delphi
Index Notes The Phaedriades
General Location Castalian Spring at Delphi
Camera Location The Phaedriades
Precision Possible
Angle 145 degrees SE