Detail of the Offering of the Arcadians in Sanctuary of Apollo


Detail of drains and the base of the Offering of the Arcadians. This offering was built across from the Spartan Monument of the Admirals, after the Arcadian League defended a Spartan invasion in 370 BCE.


A view of the drains and foundation of the Offering of the Arcadians, at the start of the Sacred Way through the Sanctuary of Apollo (full view in DH.25). This monument was constructed in 369 BCE after the Arcadian League defended their newfound independence against a Spartan invasion in 370. It contained nine bronze statues of Apollo, Nike, and Arcadian heroes. It's placement across from the Spartan Monument of the Admirals is designed to gloat their victory, just as the Spartan monument was placed next to the Athenian Offering to celebrate the Spartan victory at Aegospotami. Delphi's position as a panhellenic center of pilgrimage made it a natural theater for competing city-states to showcase their victories and supremacy to a broader community.

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Photograph processed July 1978. Notes written on the slide or index: Drainage channel. Sacred Way, Treasury of Siphinians.

Identifier DH.027
Collection DH: Delphi
Location Delfoi, Greece
Year 1978
Batch Stamp JUL 78
Printed Date July, 1978
Slide Notes Drainage channel. Sacred Way of Siphinians
Index Notes Drainage (Tr. of Siphinians?)
General Location Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi
Camera Location Detail of Offerings of the Arcadians
Precision Estimated
Angle 265 degrees W