A mason's name carved into a stone block on the Boeotian Treasury. Little is known about this treasury outside of its inscriptions, which indicate that it was built in the early 5th century BCE by local workmen.
An inscription on a poros stone block near the southeast corner of the Boeotian Treasury. This inscription is likely the name of one of the masons, and is one of many on the Boeotian Treasury. This treasury was difficult for the initial excavators to identify, and was thought to be either the Boeotian or Theban Treasury. The inscriptions did not ultimately resolve this, but were able to give a range for its date as they mixed in archaic forms with letters from the Phocian alphabet. This allows the treasury to be dated to the early 5th century, and indicates that it's builders, or at least the stone suppliers, were local to the region.
Creation date unknown. Photograph processed July 1978. Notes written on the slide or index: Inscription on Beotian Treasury.