Dedication of Marcus Minucius


A roman inscription from 110 BCE dedicating a statue in honor of Marcus Minucius Rufus, a roman tribune and consul. According to the inscription, it is given for his victories over the Gallic tribes of the Scordisci and Belli.


A roman inscription from 110 BCE dedicating a statue in honor of Marcus Minucius Rufus, a roman tribune and consul. According to the inscription, it is given for his victories over the Gallic tribes of the Scordisci and Belli. After his consulship, he was appointed proconsul of Macedon, likely near when the statue of Apollo dedicated on this base took place.

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Photograph processed July 1978. Notes written on the slide or index: Inscription.

Identifier DH.041
Collection DH: Delphi
Location Delfoi, Greece
Year 1978
Batch Stamp JUL 78
Printed Date July, 1978
Slide Notes Inscription
Index Notes Inscription
General Location Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi
Camera Location Dedication of Marcus Minucius in Sanctuary of Apollo
Precision Likely
Angle 315 degrees NW