View of the back wall of the Monument of Krateros, featuring smooth isodomic ashlar construction. This style is characterized by cut rectangular blocks of uniform height, placed in well defined rows.
The back wall of the Monument of Krateros, referred to by Baly as "Alexander's Lion Hunt," although this more accurately describes the sculptural scene depicted in the monument. In typical classical Greek fashion, the wall is constructed without mortar and features isodomic ashlar masonry that is smoothed, ie. without rustication. Ashlar construction is found in Bronze Age Minoan sites (DL) such as Knossos, ca. 1700 BCE, but made a resurgence during the Geometric Period from 900-700 BCE and is used extensively afterward. The monument itself was built in 323-320 BCE, and depicted a group of Bronze statues engaged in a hunt.
Creation date unknown. Photograph processed July 1978. Notes written on the slide or index: Alexander's Lion Hunt Wall - smooth isodomic.