Masonry in Roman Marketplace


Brick masonry in the Roman Marketplace. This brickwork mixed small stones in to fill gaps, but would have been covered with a stucco exterior, hiding the internal structure.


Roman masonry in the easternmost stall of the Roman Marketplace, just outside the entrance to the Sanctuary. Baly identifies this as Opus Reticulatum due to the diamond patterns in the center, although that style is typically composed of cut stone diamonds, rather than brick shapes. As was common with Roman walls, the structural brickwork would have been covered in a layer of diamond plaster, seen in the fragment in the center-left of the niche.

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Photograph processed July 1978. Notes written on the slide or index: Opus reticulatum (once covered in marble) in Roman market.

Identifier DH.074
Collection DH: Delphi
Location Delfoi, Greece
Year 1978
Batch Stamp JUL 78
Printed Date July, 1978
Slide Notes Opus reticulatum (once covered in marble) in Roman market
Index Notes Opus reticulatum (market place)
General Location Roman Marketplace at Delphi
Camera Location Masonry in Roman Marketplace at Delphi
Precision Likely
Angle 330 degrees NW