A frieze depicting seated Olympians watching the Trojan War, originally located below the east pediment of the Siphnian Treasury
The left side of the eastern frieze of the Siphnian Treasury, depicting (from left to right) Ares, Aphrodite or possibly Leto, Artemis, Apollo, and Zeus. There is evidence of a hand on Zeus' knee, suggesting a supplicating figure before him, possibly Thetis, mother of Achilles. The Olympians sit watching the scenes from the Trojan War which dominate the rest of the east frieze. The frieze, as with the Treasury, dates from the 6th century BCE, and the style is somewhat less Archaic than the south and west friezes, possibly due to influence by recent Athenian innovations. The Siphnian friezes have traces of paint, and would have been vividly painted and adorned with metals.
Creation date unknown. Photograph processed July 1978. Notes written on the slide or index: Siphinian Treasury's East Frieze: Assembly of the Gods.