Iwan Vault of Muzaffarid Madrasa


View from beneath the vault of the iwan façade of the Muzaffarid madrasa (also visible in B.43). The vault has been lavishly decorated with an intricate network of geometric patterns centred around three polygonal star shapes. Two of these are 16-sided stars which in turn contain regular 8/3 star polygons, one of which is visible here. This vault uses what are called "hazarbaf" tiles, which are basically a variation of "banna'i" brickwork. The latter is a form of architectural decoration or technique in which glazed tiles alternate with plain bricks to form geometric patterns that cover surfaces. If the brickwork is in relief, then it is called "hazarbaf." For more detail on the Muzaffarid madrasa, see B.43. -MA

Image Notes

Photograph created 1967. Photograph processed September 1967. Formerly cataloged as B.02.045. Notes written on the slide or index: Friday Mosque.

Identifier B.045
Location Isfahan, Iran
Year 1967
Batch Stamp SEP 67F10
Written Date 1967
Printed Date September, 1967
Index Notes Friday Mosque
General Location Muzaffarid Madrasa
Camera Location Iwan Vault in Muzaffarid Madrasa
Precision Likely
Angle 305 degrees NW