Kizil Minare


The kizil minare or Egri (leaning) minaret, a Seljuk monumnet displaying intricate brickwork in typical Seljuk style. It was built in the earlier part of the 13th centurt under Alaettin Keykubat's reign. - SK.

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Photograph processed September 1967. Formerly catalogued as B41.045. Notes written on the slide or index: Aksaray - Kizil Minare.

Curator Notes

This is the same view as AP.044, but zoomed in and tilted.

Identifier AP.045
Location Aksaray, Turkey
Year 1967
Batch Stamp SEP 67F10
Printed Date September, 1967
Slide Notes Aksaray
Index Notes Aksaray - Kizil Minare
General Location Kizil Minare
Camera Location Detail of Kizil Minaret
Precision Likely
Angle 50 degrees NE