

Detail of a niche in the inner portal of the caravanserai, leading into the covered portion of the building.


The han or caravenserai shown in this image dates from the 13th century (1231-1240) and is located along the Silk Road. It is one of the best preserved caravanserais in Anatolia. Seljuk rule in Anatolia saw a sharp increase in the number of caravanserais—this was a reflection of the Seljuk Sultans' committment to bring back trade to the region by ensuring the security and accessibility of the old trade routes which had been going into disuse after the Seljuk-Byzantine wars. -SK

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Photograph processed September 1967. Formerly catalogued as B41.046. Notes written on the slide or index: Ağzıkarahan.

Curator Notes

A wider view of this entrance can be seen at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A%C4%9Fz%C4%B1karahan_11.jpg

Identifier AP.046
Location Aksaray, Turkey
Year 1967
Batch Stamp SEP 67F8
Printed Date September, 1967
Index Notes Ağzıkarahan
General Location Ağzıkarahan
Camera Location Detail of Inner Portal at Ağzıkarahan
Precision Likely
Angle 125 degrees SE