

The ancient town of Niğde was founded on a hilltop in Central Anatolia. In the center of the image is the Alaettin mosque (see AP.055) which was built in 1223 and one of the early Seljuk mosques still extant. - SK.

Image Notes

Photograph created September 1966. Photograph processed December 1966. Formerly catalogued as B41.049. Notes written on the slide or index: Niğde.

Curator Notes

Location seems to be from a rooftop south of the Mosque, however construction has since blocked any sort of view, making a precise location impossible.

Identifier AP.049
Location Niğde, Turkey
Year 1966
Batch Stamp DEC 66
Written Date September, 1966
Printed Date December, 1966
Slide Notes Niğde
Index Notes Niğde
General Location Alaettin Camii
Object Location
Camera Location Alaettin Mosque from Afar
Precision Possible
Angle 331 degrees NW