Nigde Sungur Bey Camii


An old door at the Sungur Bey Mosque. -SK


The Sungur Bey mosque in Niğde was commissioned by Sungur Aga, governor of the region under the last Ilkhanid ruler of Anatolia in the first half of the fourteenth century. The mosque is known especially for its combination of traditional Seljuk and 'Frankish motifs' such as Gothic rose windows. Explanations have proposed that both outsider Christians and local Muslims worked together in the construction of this building. - SK

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Photograph processed December 1966. Formerly catalogued as B41.054. Notes written on the slide or index: Niğde - Sungurbey Camii.

Identifier AP.054
Location Niğde, Turkey
Year 1966
Batch Stamp DEC 66
Printed Date December, 1966
Index Notes Niğde - Sungurbey Camii