

View through the "Gate of Persecution" at the entrance to the Basilica of Saint John. Through the archway, one of the domes of the Isa Bey Camii can be seen.


The fortifications around the Basilica of St John was mostly composed of material taken from the ruins of Artemisium and Ephesus. Ephesus is a city of immense religious significance in the Roman Catholic tradition — it is believed by many to be the city in which the Virgin Mary spent her last years. The "House of the Virgin Mary," a shrine located in the vicinity of Ephesus, is considered to be the house where Mary was taken by Saint John. In addition, Ephesus is believed to be the city of the story of the Seven sleepers, which is not only a part of the Christian tradition but has also been mentioned in the Qur'an. -MA

Image Notes

Photograph created July 1960. Photograph processed August 1960. Formerly catalogued as B41.057, N.001. Notes written on the slide or index: Ephesus.

Identifier AP.057
Location Selçuk, Turkey
Year 1960
Batch Stamp AUG 60N
Written Date July, 1960
Printed Date August, 1960
Slide Notes Ephesus
Index Notes Ephesus