Lake Egirdir


View of lakeside residences in Egirdir, looking down the narrow peninsula housing the city center.


The lakeside city of Egiridir in the Isparta province of the Mediterranean region of Turkey, founded by the Hittites, has a rich history of diverse reign: from Persians to Seljuks to Ottomans, Egirdir has been of great importance. Ibn Battuta, 14th century traveler, described medieval Egirdir as "a great and populous city." The peninsula of Egirdir contains a unique castle built by the Lydian King Kroisos and later restored by the Seljuks. -CK


Ibn-Baṭṭūṭa, Muḥammad Ibn-ʻAbdallāh. The Travels of Ibn Battuta. London: n.p., 1971. Print.

Image Notes

Photograph created August 1963. Photograph processed September 1963. Formerly catalogued as B41.088, N.073. Notes written on the slide or index: Egirdir, Eğridir.

Identifier AP.088
Location Egirdir, Turkey
Year 1963
Batch Stamp SEP 63N
Written Date August, 1963
Printed Date September, 1963
Slide Notes Egirdir
Index Notes Eğridir