Büyük Karatay Medresesi


Another close-up image of the intricate decoration of the interior of the Büyük Karatay Medresesi. The richness of this design, which is a combination of arabesque and geometric patterns (both widely used across all forms of Islamic architecture) complemented by varying hues of blue across the surface, is truly captivating. The image is made more visually appealing by virtue of the position from which the photo has been taken by Baly. The light gently spreading over the lower right region illuminates multiple protruding pentagon shapes, giving the impression to the viewer of jewels that are embedded within the tilework. This image exemplifies the superb mastery of ornamentation and design of the Selcuk architects, brought out not least by Baly's skillfull photography. (see also AP.004) -MA


The medrese was constructed in 1251 and endowed by Emir Jelaleddin Karatay, one of the Seljuk Turkish empire's greatest generals, statesmen and grand vezirs. The entrance portal of this building is a fine exhibition of Seljuq ornamentation. One of its notable aspects is the slightly truncated muqarnas niche, its form derived from "a formula developed by the Great Selcuks of Isfahan in Persia." The alternating light and dark marble stones along with geometric patterns and Arabic calligraphy in low-relief contribute to the magnificent overall decorative style of the monument, which was adoped as the standard for "both the madarsas and the caravanserais of the thirteenth century." Today, the madrasa serves as a museum, exhibiting Selcuk tilework. -MA


Stierlin, Henri, and Anne Stierlin. "Turkey, from the Selçuks to the Ottomans." Köln: Taschen, 1998.

"Büyük Karatay Medresesi." Archnet. https://www.archnet.org/sites/2050

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Photograph processed September 1967. Formerly catalogued as B42.006, AQ.007. Notes written on the slide or index: Büyük Karatay.

Identifier AQ.006
Location Konya, Turkey
Year 1967
Batch Stamp SEP 67F10
Printed Date September, 1967
Index Notes Büyük Karatay