İnce Minareli Medrese


The famous front portal of the İnce Minareli Medrese, "considered by most academics as one of the most opulent works of Seljuk architectural decoration."


The İnce Minareli Medrese ("The College of the Slender Minaret"), erected in Konya (the Selcuk capital) between 1260-1265. Its portal is covered by a wealth of different types of decoration. On each side of the portal, bands of thuluth calligraphy in low-relief adorn the building, while two similar interlacing bands travel up the building near its center, forming a knot just above the pointed arch that covers the door (see also Büyük Karatay Medresesi, AQ.003). The mastery of Selcuks in portal sculpture is also manifested in the multiple vegetal and floral motifs that adorn almost all the remaining parts of the portal. The lack of undecorated space on this portal is also of note, as it reflects what is termed the "horror vacui" of Islamic architecture. The İnce Minareli Medrese is without doubt one of the most impressive monuments of Selcuk architecture in Turkey, based on the architectural form that was crystallized as the standard for madrasahs. The Selcuks are widely considered to be the patrons of the institution of the madrasah, both as an architectural form and as a particular building designed for teaching activity. To get a better sense of the rich legacy of the Selcuk madrasah, viewers are encouraged to compare the following images of the İnce Minareli Medrese with those of other major Selcuk madrasahs photographed by Baly. These include the Cifte Minare Medresi (AP.001-07), Sifaiye Medresi (AP.008-10) and the Gök Medresi (AP.012-22) in Sivas, and also the Büyük Karatay Medresesi (AQ.001-13) in Konya. -MA


"Ince Minare Madrasa." Muslim Heritage. March 2005.

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Processing date unknown. Formerly catalogued as B42.018, N.044, AN.044, AQ.022. Notes written on the slide or index: Ince Minare Camii, Konya, Ince Minare.

Identifier AQ.018
Location Konya, Turkey
Year 2025
Batch Stamp -
Slide Notes Ince Minare Camii, Konya
Index Notes Ince Minare