Hasb e Dar-ul-Huffaz


The Hasb e Dar-ul-Huffaz, built as the "House of Hafiz" (Hafiz is an Arabic term referring to a Muslim who memorizes the Qur'an by heart). It was built by Mehmet Bey, the son of Hacı Hasbey, during Karamanoğlu Mehmet II period.


The brickwork body of the house is placed on a square plan and its three sides are covered by chipped stones. The west side, where the entrance gate is located, is ornamented with inlaid marbles. Classical triangle brackets extend from the body to dome. Two sides of the triangles are ornamented with green tiles. There is also a beautiful mihrab (niche) inside the building which is ornamented with tiles.

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Photograph processed December 1966. Formerly catalogued as B42.041, AQ.037. Notes written on the slide or index: Hasbey dar-ül-Hüffaz.

Identifier AQ.041
Location Konya, Turkey
Year 1966
Batch Stamp DEC 66
Printed Date December, 1966
Index Notes Hasbey dar-ül-Hüffaz