Court of the Lions


Every visible surface in this slide is covered with decoration—an example of what some have termed Islamic art’s horror vaccui. The Alhambra’s walls also bear a lot of text, usually Quranic verses or poetry by one of the court poets. Most frequent is perhaps the Nasrid motto ‘La ghalib Ila Allah,’ there is no victor but God. About this building, Robert Irwin in his book The Alhambra writes that "Though there is much of technical and historical interest to be said about the Court of the Lions, the first thing to be remarked is that it is, by common consent, one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, and there are many who would even go beyond that qualified judgment."


Every visible surface in this slide is covered with decoration—an example of what some have termed Islamic art’s horror vaccui. The Alhambra’s walls also bear a lot of text, usually Quranic verses or poetry by one of the court poets. Most frequent is perhaps the Nasrid motto ‘La ghalib Ila Allah,’ there is no victor but God. For an account of the Court of the Lions, see B49. 210. For a general account of the Alhambra, see slide B49.185. - SK

Robert Irwin, The Alhambra. Profile Books, London, 2004. p. 49.
Image Notes

Photograph created 1974. Photograph processed June 1974. Formerly catalogued as B49.218. Notes written on the slide or index: Court of the Lions (arcade).

Identifier CS.037
Collection CS: Granada
Location Granada, Spain
Year 1974
Batch Stamp JUN 74
Written Date 1974
Printed Date June, 1974
Index Notes Court of the Lions (arcade)