A close up of the lions in the famous fountain in the Court of the Lions. The dating of the stone lions has been disputed. Robert Irwin thinks they date from the 14th century, whereas most guide books prefer a date in the 11th century. The jet fountains are also most probably anachronistic—gentler flowing water is more plausible. Finally, the courtyard has been refurbished to its original state of being covered in white marble. About this building, Robert Irwin in his book The Alhambra writes that ‘Though there is much of technical and historical interest to be said about the Court of the Lions, the first thing to be remarked is that it is, by common consent, one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, and there are many who would even go beyond that qualified judgment.’
A close up of the lions in the famous fountain in the Court of the Lions. The dating of the stone lions has been disputed. Robert Irwin thinks they date from the 14th century, whereas most guide books prefer a date in the 11th century. The jet fountains are also most probably anachronistic—gentler flowing water is more plausible. Finally, the courtyard has been refurbished to its original state of being covered in white marble, see B 49.210. For an account of the Alhambra, see slide B49.185.
Photograph created 1974. Photograph processed June 1974. Formerly catalogued as B49.224. Notes written on the slide or index: Court of the Lions (fountain).