

Tadla Plains near Afourer village. -AS


The Tadla Plains are located in the Tadla Azilal region between the High and the Middle Atlas Mountain ranges. It is part of a series of high plains that are collectively known as the Moroccan Plateau. The Tadla plain is highly fertile and is lined with complex irrigation systems. -CK

"Tadla-Azilal." Wikipedia. Accessed November 29, 2016., Brown, Carl. "Morocco." Encyclopedia Brittanica. Accessed November 2016.
Image Notes

Photograph created March 1974. Photograph processed June 1974. Formerly catalogued as B42.133. Notes written on the slide or index: Afourer, Afourer + Jam.

Identifier CU.033
Collection CU: Morocco
Location Afourer, Morocco
Year 1974
Batch Stamp JUN 74
Written Date March, 1974
Printed Date June, 1974
Slide Notes Afourer
Index Notes Afourer + Jam