Brick surface in the Friday mosque adorned by lett...
Northwest Iwan of the Friday Mosque of Isfahan see...
Another view of the northwest iwan, this time from...
Close-up of muqarnas elements in the southwest iwa...
Exquisite and brilliantly colorful decoration on t...
Iwan façade of the Muffarid Madrasa, in the Friday...
Closeup of the richly ornamented muqarnas hood ove...
The dome of the Shaykh Lutfallah Mosque.
Vertical panel adorned with letters of Kufic scrip...
Close look at the different styles of ornament ado...
Pointed archway in the corner of the Chahar Bagh M...
Closer look at archway displayed in B.096. The orn...
There are two balconies to the shaft, one of which...
The top of the minarets, showing elaborate Seljuk ...
A view of the mid-section of the minaret, right ab...
A photograph of the Saraban or camel driver’s mina...
An inscriptive panel in floriated Kufic at the Gök...
Dome over the bay in front of the mihrab in the Mo...
Arabic calligraphy in carved stucco on a wall in t...