An old door at the Sungur Bey Mosque. - SK.
Door from the eastern iwan, depicting typical Timu...
Detail of mosaic faience from the high iwan of the...
A view of the “Door of the Prince” of the Seville ...
Detail from the “Door of the Prince,” at the Sevil...
View of the Patio de Banderas through arch.
Labyrinthine streets in the Juderia, Seville.
A house in the Juderia, Seville, with a classical-...
A house in the Juderia, Seville.
A balcony in the Juderia, Seville.
A beautifully carved wooden door in Juderia, Sevil...
A close-up image of the right part of the horse-sh...
The Puerta del Baptisterio, or entrance gate of Ba...
A close-up shot of the central arch and door of th...
A view of the east façade of the mosque of Cordoba...
The Great Mosque of Cordoba is considered to be th...
The Puerta de la Grada Redonda on the east façade ...
A street in Cordoba, Spain.
A window grill looking into the courtyard of a hou...
Along the streets of Cordoba, Spain.
An old entrance along the streets of Cordoba, Spai...
An arched entrance in Juderia (the former Jewish q...
An elaborate façade in the court of the Mexuar (fr...
Detail of one of the doors on the façade of the Co...
A carved wooden door in the north end of the Comar...
The Renaissance style entrance portal to the Churc...