Panels of mosaic faience on a brick background. Th...
A view of the qibla wall (southern iwan), depictin...
Detail of tilework on arcades, showing glazed and ...
Detail of exquisite sunburst medallion motif on da...
The mihrab, installed in the 16th century, compris...
Detailed view from the lower part of the main port...
View of façade, covered in probably heavily restor...
Majolica tilework at the Alcazar, Seville. –SK
A close view of the mihrab at the mosque of Cordob...
Elaborate stucco work, Court of Mexuar, Alhambra. ...
Stucco work on walls, Court of Mexuar, Alhambra. T...
Arabic calligraphy in carved stucco on a wall in t...
A carved wooden door in the north end of the Comar...
A lamp niche in the Alhambra in the north end of t...
A soffit of an arch in the north end of the Comare...
A pilaster with an elaborate stucco background on ...
A window in one of the Nasrid palaces of the Alham...
Looking towards the Court of the Lions through a p...
Stucco-decoration in a side-room flanking the Coma...