A doorway to the right of the façade of the Gök Medrese in Sivas, Turkey. The doorway is framed within a muqarnas demivault with an insciription in thuluth script above it. - SK.
Construction of the Gök Medrese in Sivas, Turkey, was begun for the vizier Fakhreddin Sahip Ata by the architect Kaluyan al-Qunawi in 1271. This façade is one of the earliest twin-minaret facades in Turkey. The façade (see AP.015) consists of stone carvings in high-relief derived in part from Syrian models and in part from local sources. The medrese followed a traditional four-iwan open court related to Syrian and farther eastern types. - SK
Creation date unknown. Photograph processed September 1967. Formerly catalogued as B41.014, AP.013. Notes written on the slide or index: Gök Medresi.
The window pictured here must be one of the ones directly next to the large entrance portal, but neither seem to match the photo in their present appearance. The Gök Medrese has gone through extensive renovations since Baly's visit, and this window may have been modified.