Detail of the south façade of the Madrasa Is'ardiy...
Decorated semi-dome over the Cotton Merchant's Gat...
The decorated semi-dome atop the entrance of the M...
A semi-dome portal of the madrasa, constructed by ...
An exterior niche beside the portal of the Cifte M...
A view of the portal and façade at the entrance of...
A 10-tiered flared muqarnas or stalactite vault in...
A muqarnas or stalactite vault at the Şifaiye Medr...
A view of the elegantly carved façade of the Buruc...
Elegant stonework at the Buruciye Medrese, commiss...
A doorway to the right of the façade of the Gök Me...
A close up of the intricately carved façade of the...
View of the magnificent entrance iwan of the Frida...
The mihrab is one of the few parts of the mosque w...
View of the entrance iwan across a reflecting pool...
Detail of tile mosaic on iwan, probably heavily re...
The mihrab, installed in the 16th century, compris...
Stucco work on walls, Court of Mexuar, Alhambra. T...
A lamp niche in the Alhambra in the north end of t...
Muqarnas or stalactite vaulting in the Mocarabes c...