Sahip 'Ata Külliyesi


The mihrab of the Sahip 'Ata Külliyesi.


The image is in black and white and thus does not reflect the true splendor of the exquisite decoration of the mihrab with its muqarnas niche. The decoration consists of a combination of arabesque and geometric patterns, and, like in many other instances of Selcuk decoration, varying light and dark hues of blue across the tile surface. -MA


"Sahip 'Ata Külliyesi." Archnet.

Image Notes

Creation date unknown. Processing date unknown. Formerly catalogued as B42.038, N.054. Notes written on the slide or index: Konya, Sahib Atâ Camii, Sahib Ata Camii.

Identifier AQ.038
Location Konya, Turkey
Year 2016
Slide Notes Konya, Sahib Atâ Camii
Index Notes Sahib Ata Camii