Seville Cathedral


The Giralda bell tower is part of the Seville Cathedral, and was built by the Almohad dynasty of Islamic Spain at their capital of Seville in 1198. Almohad architecture is known for its tall square minarets, and the Giralda is one of the best examples. Originally, the Giralda was the minaret of a mosque, but the mosque was converted into a cathedral after the Christian conquest in 1248. (See CR.02) -SK

Image Notes

Photograph created March 5th, 1974. Photograph processed June 1974. Formerly catalogued as B49.082, CR.008. Notes written on the slide or index: Giralda, Seville, Seville Cathedral.

Identifier CR.001
Location Seville, Spain
Year 1974
Batch Stamp JUN 74
Written Date March 5th, 1974
Printed Date June, 1974
Slide Notes Giralda, Seville
Index Notes Seville Cathedral