The east façade of the Sebil Sultan Qait Bay, show...
Low relief arabesque carvings on the dome of the S...
One of the only surviving monuments of the tenth c...
The tri-partite semi-dome at the top of the portal...
A view of the site of the Taq-e-Bostan, tucked awa...
A beautiful view of the two carved grottos, the la...
An exterior view of the two carved iwans.
A view of the larger iwan, dating from the fifth c...
Detail of frame of the larger iwan. The frame term...
A “tree of life” relief from the face of the centr...
Floral detail from the tree of life relief (BG.42)...
Column Capital at Taq-e Bostan.
Foliate capital at Taq-e Bostan
Stucco pilaster inside central niche, with floral ...
Rock relief outside the two main iwans showing the...
Detail of relief of Mithra holding a barsom- a Zor...
Rock relief in the central iwan, showing the inves...
Equestrian relief of Khosrow II in the central iwa...
Detail of Khosrow II receiving the royal diadem wh...
Detail of Khosrow II in his coat of mail mounted o...
This detail is from the smaller iwan. Shahpur II (...
Detailed relief of the boar hunting scene, on the ...
Stone relief of elephants charging at the wild boa...
Stone relief of a wild boar.
Stone relief of wild boars fleeing from the elepha...
Stone relief of Khosrow II coolly taking his aim a...
Khosrow II taking aim of the boars on a boat rowed...
Stone relief of women playing the chang, a Persian...
Stone relief of Khosrow II having lowered the bow ...
Stone relief of chang players.
Stone relief of marsh waves.
Stone relief of the royal hunt, showing the elepha...
Stone relief of the boar hunt showing vegetal moti...
Stone relief depicting the killed boar.
Stone relief of the killed boar hauled over the ba...
Detail of stag hunt.
Elephants charging at the deer. It must be noted t...
Detail of deer fleeing.
Detail of stags fleeing.
Detail of stags fleeing as rider round them up.
Detail of rider hunting the deer.
Detail of Khosrow II under umbrella with attendant...
Detail of rider taking aim at the stag.
Stone relief of assembly of women playing the chan...
Detail of stags being hit by arrows.
Detail of tree from the stone relief of the stag h...
Minor carvings at the Taq-e-Bustan.
The Giralda bell tower is part of the Seville Cath...
The Giralda minaret was once over 70 meters tall, ...
Looking at a corner turret on the Seville Cathedra...
A view of the “Patio de los Naranjos” or “Courtyar...
A view of the “Door of the Prince” of the Seville ...
Detail from the “Door of the Prince,” at the Sevil...
Looking through a horse-shoe arch at the Seville C...
This is the Puerta del Perdón at the Seville Cathe...
A view from the Patio de las Doncellas or the “Cou...
A richly decorated ceiling above the nave of the 1...
Rich carved moldings on the ceiling above the nave...
A close-up image of the right part of the horse-sh...
The Puerta del Baptisterio, or entrance gate of Ba...
A close-up shot of the central arch and door of th...
The Puerta de la Grada Redonda on the east façade ...
The minaret at the Mosque of Cordoba was erected i...
A water pool in the ‘courtyard of the Oranges’ (pa...
Close up of water fountain.
A view of the ‘courtyard of the Oranges’ through a...
Another image of the colonnade in the ‘courtyard o...
Yet another image of a section of the colonnade in...
An old entrance, Cordoba, Spain. The blind niches ...
Elaborate stonework on balcony above an ornamental...
Geometric ornamentation above the threshold on a s...
An old entrance along the streets of Cordoba, Spai...
The Charles V Fountain was designed by Pedro Machu...
The peristyle circular courtyard in the palace of ...
A Renaissance-style water fountain in the city of ...
A traditional coat-of-arms embellishing a Renaissa...
The Renaissance style entrance portal to the Churc...