

Muqarnas or stalactite vaulting in the Mocarabes court leading into the Court of the Lions. The ceiling of this hall was blown up in 1590 when the French were using it as a storage room for gunpowder. The word ‘mocarabes’ refers to the kind of muqarnas/stalactite vaulting applied especially in al-Andalus. For a general account of the Alhambra, see slide B49.185.

Image Notes

Photograph created 1963. Photograph processed September 1963. Formerly catalogued as B49.242, BV.046. Notes written on the slide or index: Stalactites.

Identifier CS.061
Collection CS: Granada
Location Granada, Spain
Year 1963
Batch Stamp SEP 63
Written Date 1963
Printed Date September, 1963
Index Notes Stalactites